‘Life of Pi’: Trailer | Video – ABC News.

I am not a movie critic, or even a “writer”, but I do love to watch movies, and I had been wanting to see this movie since the first time I saw the trailer.


I must say the movie was visually amazing!! I LOVE movies that are visually stimulating.  This movie reminded me of how I felt watching Avatar.  But to me the best part was the story, it was a beautiful story, and the lesson I learned was that no matter what religion(s) you follow, when you are struggling, and in your darkest hours your faith in GOD will manifest in ways to show you that you should never lose your faith, and hope. This message is universal.


Suraj Sharma who played the younger version of PI,  played a wonderful role.  The adult version, Irfan Khan did great as well!  I usually read the book versions first, but in this case I did not.  I can not wait to get my hands on the book by Yann Martel. I see a weekend long reading session under the covers in my near future!