First, and foremost, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New year.  I had one of the best holiday seasons in 2012, and I can not remember being this happy in such a long time.  But there also have been years that I end the year on a sour note. Who hasn’t?  For the most part, I am a very happy, and positive person.  But there is something I will never understand…Why is it that every new year people vow that the next year will be better and things will change for them.  First of all, the new year does not guarantee anything, it is literally a change of one day to the next.

All the changes, and resolutions people come up with should be things that they strive for/to do EVERYDAY!!  People begin the new year so positive, and full of hope, but quickly lose that spark, and wait until the next year to make personal promises again.  I say stop the non sense and make your life the best it can be today, and everyday that the lord gives you, because life is short, and tomorrow or NEXT YEAR, is NEVER guaranteed!

I say wake up every morning day, and be the best you can be…even on Mondays!! 😉

I will be the first to admit that I have an obsession with reality t.v.  I can not get enough, it is one of my many guilty pleasures!!  I watch anything, and everything from the ALL of the housewives, to singing competition shows, The Xfactor being my fave right now, and yes I have had my glimpse of Ms. Honey Boo Boo.  Very entertaining, but not the type of show I would follow on a regular basis.    

I am definitely a fan of the Housewives series, and my obsession at the moment is “RHONY”.  I must say I love, love, love Teresa, she is my FAVE.  I know she is a little koo-koo, and certainly in denial, but she is entertaining, and hilarious to me.  She does come off as a good mother, and wife, and I can’t knock her for that.  But boy, oh boy is she a DRAMA queen!  I guess that’s why I am so fond of her.  

So the show has ended it’s season, and they are now airing the three part reunion shows.  After seeing part 1, and 2, I can only IMAGINE what the last part will bring.  It has been juicy, and intense.  I am surprised there hasn’t been any table flipping, or weave pulling yet!!  Although I do think that the women are going way to personal, and acting as if they are 5, with the whole insults about clothes, hair, weight and make-up….seriously can you ladies not come up with anything better???? You all have been friends for years, this show has made you enemies, I am sure you have juicier secrets in the vault you can come out with???? Let’s just hope part 3 is worth the space in my DVR??


So last week the Hunni, and I, began the Insanity program.  The program truly does hold up to its name!  It is a 60 day intense circuit training workout program.  The best part of it is that you can do the 45 minute workouts, 6 days a week, at home, and there is no equipment required.  It helps to burn fat, and build muscle.  It does have a cardio recovery day once a week, where Mr. Shaun T, the fitness trainer in the videos “goes easier” on you.  I will find out today what going “easier” means to Shaun.  Last week I only lasted 3 out of 6 days of training, so I have no idea what the recovery day consists of.  I had to take a few days off to recover, as the training was literally becoming a pain in my ass!!  On the other hand my Hunni, Alan has been doing an amazing job at staying motivated, positive and has been doing a great job of  completing his training each day, so far.  He has already started to shed some pounds, is looking slimmer, has a lot more energy, and has been more alert at work and home.  I started again this past Monday, and the truth is I am doing better each day.  I am also feeling much better than I was last week during the training.  Alan keeps telling me it will get easier, and I think I am starting to believe him.  The truth is I began this program to support and motivate him.  I know it is much easier to stick to something when your partner is also involved.  And honestly after I got over hating Shaun T for the first few days, I realized he isn’t exactly hard to look at.   I hope Alan, and I continue to do our best! I guess we will see what the results are after 60 days.  I will post updates.  After this I will find out if I should continue to trust my Hunni, as this was his bright idea! 🙂

I included the link below for anyone interested in the program.  The program does come with PDF printouts of healthy meals.  Alan, and I are not following that part of the program, but we ARE eating healthier, and watching our portion sizes. And to compliment the training we are drinking Syntha 6 protein shakes, cookies and cream flavor, I drink one a day.  We also drink Modern BCAA recovery drink, in “white blue razz” flavor, during our workouts.  You can find those drinks, at The Vitamin Shoppe.

Insanity Workout – Extreme Home Workout DVD – Insanity Workout Reviews –

Sometimes in life you have go through difficulties, but no one should be judged by their mistakes or hardships, but  by how they react to these trials and tribulations.  If you can learn from your mistakes, correct them, and move forward, then you are moving in the right direction.  At times our darkest hours teach us how to fight for  the light at the end of the tunnel.  This blog is dedicated to my talented, and handsome (runs in the family) little cousin Frankie DeAlba.  May god continue to bless you and your talent, may success, health, and happiness always find you.

DeAlba thankful for boxing’s impact.

For the most part I never have enough time in the day to do everything I need to do, and even less time for things I want to do.  But for the month of August I happen to have a little extra “spare” time, with my son being with his father, and my new classes not beginning for another few weeks.  And I find myself stuck between doing all of these things I file in the back of my mind, and yes I am a list maker, and therefore have paper filled with “things to do”, and just trying to just relax, and take it easy.  I fight this war everyday, and I still have yet to find a happy median between both.  I will continue to work at getting better between balancing both.  Or I can always hope that my childhood dream of cloning myself will come to fruition???  Of course the original me would be the one sitting on the couch watching hours of recorded reality TV, only taking breaks to eat, and maybe speak on the phone. I woman can dream, right???  But in the real world, I guess I will see how many things I can check off of my lists…