Archives for category: open forum

I just came across this article on facebook and I absoultely had to share it. I have nothing against someone who needs a little help. The truth is, any one of us can one day see ourselves in an unfortuante financial situation. What I do not understand is what kind of mentality do you have to have to think this is o.k.? I sincerely hope that the government holds each and every person who went over their spending limit accountable for their actions.

I found this to be interesting and very well written. Being Puerto Rican myself, I felt the need to re-post this, in hopes that someone else can enjoy this as well. I feel it is a great topic, and should be shared~~~

Catch Some Wide Eye

The press is now oddly silent about a monumental decision made on an island quite close to home. Can’t quite find it?
How about now?

At least a dozen of my family members voted in this historic decision to add an extra star to the American flag. Yet, I’m not entirely sure “America” takes us entirely seriously. Maybe it’s because you can’t tell us apart from Mexico yet?

See, Mexico is the giant hunk of land Texans have been shooting at, excuse me, I mean border patrolling for about forever. Puerto Rico is a tiny dot of an island in the Atlantic Ocean southeast of Florida. And we are NOT Cuban. And no, we do not need green cards. Every Puerto Rican is a United States citizen by birth, and three generations of my family have served in four branches of the United States Army.

This is where my mother’s…

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