My twenty year old son, Joshua, is allergic to EVERYTHING! He is a vegan, mostly because of health reasons. He has been doing great and has been healther as of lately. It has been a challenge to find vegan recipes that taste good and are minimally processed. It is a tradition in our home to make homemade meat lasagnas for new years eve. This year I did a little research to find a vegan recipe that was meatless, and had no cheese, or nuts. Thankfully, I came across this vegan lasagna recipe online. Truthfully, I was nervous because I wanted my son to enjoy a delicious meal for this special occasion. I am extremely happy to say that not only did my son absolutely LOVE this lasagna, but so did the rest of the family. We all had a try and were very pleased with it.

If you are having trouble looking for a vegan lasagna that also does not have nuts, try this recipe. I believe you will enjoy it. See the link below, along with a link to the nutritional yeast (an ingredient in the recipe) that I ordered from Amazon. Nutritional yeast is also sold at Whole Foods.