Being the only female in my home can have its advantages, and disadvantages. I always have someone to take out the garbage for me, or kill a bug! Which is wonderful! On the same token, my boys (my fiance, and son) do not, and will never understand why I need another handbag, or ANOTHER pair of black pumps. There are a few things I will never understand about them such as their obsession for video games, cars, and “boy” toys! How boring. Seriously who can watch hours of other men fixing up old cars?? No thank you!! But I have to admit, one thing my boys have intrigued me with is comics, and comic book characters. It’s hard to believe I actually remember the names, and what they are known for. As a kid I was never into comics. I do not think I ever opened a comic in my life. Now here I am actually into something my boys are into. Honestly, I love it! It allows me to bond with them.Now I have to figure out how to get them to go shopping with me…Wishful thinking on my part, i think!! lol