First, and foremost, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New year.  I had one of the best holiday seasons in 2012, and I can not remember being this happy in such a long time.  But there also have been years that I end the year on a sour note. Who hasn’t?  For the most part, I am a very happy, and positive person.  But there is something I will never understand…Why is it that every new year people vow that the next year will be better and things will change for them.  First of all, the new year does not guarantee anything, it is literally a change of one day to the next.

All the changes, and resolutions people come up with should be things that they strive for/to do EVERYDAY!!  People begin the new year so positive, and full of hope, but quickly lose that spark, and wait until the next year to make personal promises again.  I say stop the non sense and make your life the best it can be today, and everyday that the lord gives you, because life is short, and tomorrow or NEXT YEAR, is NEVER guaranteed!

I say wake up every morning day, and be the best you can be…even on Mondays!! 😉