I will be the first to admit that I have an obsession with reality t.v.  I can not get enough, it is one of my many guilty pleasures!!  I watch anything, and everything from the ALL of the housewives, to singing competition shows, The Xfactor being my fave right now, and yes I have had my glimpse of Ms. Honey Boo Boo.  Very entertaining, but not the type of show I would follow on a regular basis.    

I am definitely a fan of the Housewives series, and my obsession at the moment is “RHONY”.  I must say I love, love, love Teresa, she is my FAVE.  I know she is a little koo-koo, and certainly in denial, but she is entertaining, and hilarious to me.  She does come off as a good mother, and wife, and I can’t knock her for that.  But boy, oh boy is she a DRAMA queen!  I guess that’s why I am so fond of her.  

So the show has ended it’s season, and they are now airing the three part reunion shows.  After seeing part 1, and 2, I can only IMAGINE what the last part will bring.  It has been juicy, and intense.  I am surprised there hasn’t been any table flipping, or weave pulling yet!!  Although I do think that the women are going way to personal, and acting as if they are 5, with the whole insults about clothes, hair, weight and make-up….seriously can you ladies not come up with anything better???? You all have been friends for years, this show has made you enemies, I am sure you have juicier secrets in the vault you can come out with???? Let’s just hope part 3 is worth the space in my DVR??
