So last week the Hunni, and I, began the Insanity program.  The program truly does hold up to its name!  It is a 60 day intense circuit training workout program.  The best part of it is that you can do the 45 minute workouts, 6 days a week, at home, and there is no equipment required.  It helps to burn fat, and build muscle.  It does have a cardio recovery day once a week, where Mr. Shaun T, the fitness trainer in the videos “goes easier” on you.  I will find out today what going “easier” means to Shaun.  Last week I only lasted 3 out of 6 days of training, so I have no idea what the recovery day consists of.  I had to take a few days off to recover, as the training was literally becoming a pain in my ass!!  On the other hand my Hunni, Alan has been doing an amazing job at staying motivated, positive and has been doing a great job of  completing his training each day, so far.  He has already started to shed some pounds, is looking slimmer, has a lot more energy, and has been more alert at work and home.  I started again this past Monday, and the truth is I am doing better each day.  I am also feeling much better than I was last week during the training.  Alan keeps telling me it will get easier, and I think I am starting to believe him.  The truth is I began this program to support and motivate him.  I know it is much easier to stick to something when your partner is also involved.  And honestly after I got over hating Shaun T for the first few days, I realized he isn’t exactly hard to look at.   I hope Alan, and I continue to do our best! I guess we will see what the results are after 60 days.  I will post updates.  After this I will find out if I should continue to trust my Hunni, as this was his bright idea! 🙂

I included the link below for anyone interested in the program.  The program does come with PDF printouts of healthy meals.  Alan, and I are not following that part of the program, but we ARE eating healthier, and watching our portion sizes. And to compliment the training we are drinking Syntha 6 protein shakes, cookies and cream flavor, I drink one a day.  We also drink Modern BCAA recovery drink, in “white blue razz” flavor, during our workouts.  You can find those drinks, at The Vitamin Shoppe.

Insanity Workout – Extreme Home Workout DVD – Insanity Workout Reviews –