For the most part I never have enough time in the day to do everything I need to do, and even less time for things I want to do.  But for the month of August I happen to have a little extra “spare” time, with my son being with his father, and my new classes not beginning for another few weeks.  And I find myself stuck between doing all of these things I file in the back of my mind, and yes I am a list maker, and therefore have paper filled with “things to do”, and just trying to just relax, and take it easy.  I fight this war everyday, and I still have yet to find a happy median between both.  I will continue to work at getting better between balancing both.  Or I can always hope that my childhood dream of cloning myself will come to fruition???  Of course the original me would be the one sitting on the couch watching hours of recorded reality TV, only taking breaks to eat, and maybe speak on the phone. I woman can dream, right???  But in the real world, I guess I will see how many things I can check off of my lists…