My twenty year old son, Joshua, is allergic to EVERYTHING! He is a vegan, mostly because of health reasons. He has been doing great and has been healther as of lately. It has been a challenge to find vegan recipes that taste good and are minimally processed. It is a tradition in our home to make homemade meat lasagnas for new years eve. This year I did a little research to find a vegan recipe that was meatless, and had no cheese, or nuts. Thankfully, I came across this vegan lasagna recipe online. Truthfully, I was nervous because I wanted my son to enjoy a delicious meal for this special occasion. I am extremely happy to say that not only did my son absolutely LOVE this lasagna, but so did the rest of the family. We all had a try and were very pleased with it.

If you are having trouble looking for a vegan lasagna that also does not have nuts, try this recipe. I believe you will enjoy it. See the link below, along with a link to the nutritional yeast (an ingredient in the recipe) that I ordered from Amazon. Nutritional yeast is also sold at Whole Foods.



My husband and I always joke that we do not feel like adults. We are just a couple of kids at heart who have a lot of responsibility! I know that  we have been lucky that we have not had to deal with many issues within our relationship or with our extended families. Then recently my Mom had major back surgery. The feeling you get when you walk in a hospital room and see the woman you have always looked to for strength and comfort look so small, frail it is like a kick in the gut. I could see it in my oldest son’s face as he walked into the room and saw the condition of his grandmother. My youngest daughter was afraid to get close and kiss her grandmother at first. It made me realize that now the tables have turned. My mother has always taken care of us and now I know the roles will be reversed.  I knew one day this day would come but it seems like it came so quickly. I know moving forward, as my mother and in-laws get older my husband, myself, and our siblings will now be the new caregivers. Then the day will come when our children will be our caregivers. It made me realize that everything comes full circle.

I am halfway through my 21st week, and I have to say that I am really beginning to feel that my poor body is taking a beating. I am obviously and rightfully exhausted, but my body really feels tired and sluggish this week. After all, it is hard work growing a human being inside of you! I have been getting heartburn and lots of gas when if what I eat certain things. I am trying to keep track of what food makes me feel good, and what makes me feel bad. I have been more constipated, (I know TMI, but it’s part of being pregnant!). It hurts at times to use the bathroom. My feet are more swollen, and my lower back is more sensitive. I think from sitting a lot at work and at school my tailbone has been sore. It is harder to get up out of the bed and up from my work chair and even more difficult to get up out of the school desks. The cave woman grunt when I try to get up really isn’t sexy either, lol. But there are a few things that are positive. My baby girl is consistently moving. My belly is getting bigger and I am passed the awkward stage, where people are afraid to ask if I am pregnant, because it just may be that I need to do a few extra crunches. Now, it completely visible that I am pregnant and not just getting fat. My skin looks better. I suffer from acne and this pregnancy has blessed me with mostly clear and glowing skin. My hair is nicer, and I feel pretty despite not always feeling my best. I know and expected the hard work of pregnancy but I am so blessed and thankful to be having a baby, that it is so worth all the bad parts of pregnancy. It truly is a joy!

I wish I would have started to document my pregnancy earlier, but I was feeling horrible, with allll day morning sickness, up until a few weeks ago. I am happy to say that I am feeling like a functional human being again! As I said, I was very sick my first trimester and it lingered on, into my second trimester. Now, that the morning sickness (all day sickness), has subsided, I have noticed other pregnancy symptoms. The most annoying and obviously embarrassing is gas! It is horrible! I feel bad for my poor husband. Another symptom I have been experiencing is leg cramps, and slight lower abdominal cramps, which the doctor says is normal. As long as I am not in pain, the cramps are just a part of my uterus growing. At the moment, my absolute favorite food craving is Haagan Daz vanilla ice cream. Thankfully, I have been on target with my weight gain, and have only gained 10 pounds, so far.  The best thing that has happened within the last week, is that I am able to feel the baby moving now, which is just the most exciting thing ever! I am currently 20 weeks along, so it is about the time when I should be feeling my baby girl move. My husband can feel her slightly but during the next few months he will be able to feel her much more. I cannot wait!

From time to time, we have to appreciate the simple things in life. A surprise dinner date, and a night off from cooking. A free massage. A surprise visit from a someone you love. Meeting a fun, new friend. Breakfast, and coffee in bed. A thank you from your teenager.  “Sex and the City”, and cuddling with your pooch, on a a lazy Sunday. A phone call from an old friend. Sunday dinners, with your family. Give me simple, or give me death. Xo

Being the only female in my home can have its advantages, and disadvantages. I always have someone to take out the garbage for me, or kill a bug! Which is wonderful! On the same token, my boys (my fiance, and son) do not, and will never understand why I need another handbag, or ANOTHER pair of black pumps. There are a few things I will never understand about them such as their obsession for video games, cars, and “boy” toys! How boring. Seriously who can watch hours of other men fixing up old cars?? No thank you!! But I have to admit, one thing my boys have intrigued me with is comics, and comic book characters. It’s hard to believe I actually remember the names, and what they are known for. As a kid I was never into comics. I do not think I ever opened a comic in my life. Now here I am actually into something my boys are into. Honestly, I love it! It allows me to bond with them.Now I have to figure out how to get them to go shopping with me…Wishful thinking on my part, i think!! lol

     It is tough being a mom, working full time, and maintaining a romantic relationship, while also being a college student. I have to say after two years of classes, this last semester has been my toughest one so far. Although, I did well this semester and passed my classes, I have to admit that I went into this semester with an inflated sense of my abilities. I thought I would breeze through this semester, like I have in the past. Boy was I wrong! Nothing that I did seemed to work, I spent countless hours on papers and studying, and still did not receive the grades I thought I would. Nothing that I did seemed to work in my favor. I always felt as if I was endlessly trying to catch up. I barely slept, and I neglected so many things in my personal life.

     Needless to say, this has taught me that I need to stay focused, and determined to finish school.  I cannot get discouraged, or quit. As much as I stress and worry, I always finish strong!  I realize it is going to be tough, it’s college. My motivation is high and thankfully, for me, things always work out the way they should. I have sacrificed alot to be able to be in school right now. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to attend college, as this is not easy thing for a young single mother. The prize will be the diploma in the end.

     On this break, I will enjoy my time off, read a good book, attend to my loved ones, and prepare to kick ass next semester! Fingers crossed!

I just came across this article on facebook and I absoultely had to share it. I have nothing against someone who needs a little help. The truth is, any one of us can one day see ourselves in an unfortuante financial situation. What I do not understand is what kind of mentality do you have to have to think this is o.k.? I sincerely hope that the government holds each and every person who went over their spending limit accountable for their actions.

‘Life of Pi’: Trailer | Video – ABC News.

I am not a movie critic, or even a “writer”, but I do love to watch movies, and I had been wanting to see this movie since the first time I saw the trailer.


I must say the movie was visually amazing!! I LOVE movies that are visually stimulating.  This movie reminded me of how I felt watching Avatar.  But to me the best part was the story, it was a beautiful story, and the lesson I learned was that no matter what religion(s) you follow, when you are struggling, and in your darkest hours your faith in GOD will manifest in ways to show you that you should never lose your faith, and hope. This message is universal.


Suraj Sharma who played the younger version of PI,  played a wonderful role.  The adult version, Irfan Khan did great as well!  I usually read the book versions first, but in this case I did not.  I can not wait to get my hands on the book by Yann Martel. I see a weekend long reading session under the covers in my near future!

I found this to be interesting and very well written. Being Puerto Rican myself, I felt the need to re-post this, in hopes that someone else can enjoy this as well. I feel it is a great topic, and should be shared~~~

Catch Some Wide Eye

The press is now oddly silent about a monumental decision made on an island quite close to home. Can’t quite find it?
How about now?

At least a dozen of my family members voted in this historic decision to add an extra star to the American flag. Yet, I’m not entirely sure “America” takes us entirely seriously. Maybe it’s because you can’t tell us apart from Mexico yet?

See, Mexico is the giant hunk of land Texans have been shooting at, excuse me, I mean border patrolling for about forever. Puerto Rico is a tiny dot of an island in the Atlantic Ocean southeast of Florida. And we are NOT Cuban. And no, we do not need green cards. Every Puerto Rican is a United States citizen by birth, and three generations of my family have served in four branches of the United States Army.

This is where my mother’s…

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